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Do the small things that make you happy in life.. In this time that we are all at home this has been my motto that keeps me going.. My brothers love burgers and they have been insisting on my cooking for them burgers and i could not hestitate..You too can make it at the comfort of your home..

This recipe serves 10-13 people

10 burger burns
1 1/2 kg of mince meat (ground beef)
1 tablespoon of salt
3 medium sized onions
4 medium sized tomatoes
1 egg- optional
Spices -use the spices you prefer i used black pepper, pilau masala and garam masala
3 cloves of garlic and ginger
5 tablespoons of Mayonnaise
4 tablespoons of Mustard
3 tablespoons of Tomato sauce
2 teaspoons of Chili sauce
Cheese -Mozarella and Cheddar (optional)

a)Making the burger meat
1.Cut the vegetables which are onions and tomatoes.
2. In a mortar and pestle grind the garlic and ginger.
3. In a large bowl put in the mince meat.
4. Add your preferred spices together with the garlic,ginger 1 egg, 1 medium sized cut onions and salt.
5. Mix together so that the spices can get into the meat.

6. Let it marinate for 1 hr-24 hrs
7. Shape the burger meat into medium sized ovals.

8. Shallow fry them  in a pan until one side has browned, flip and do the same to the other side.

9. After it is well done on both sides you can remove it from the pan. 

10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all the burger meat is well cooked.
11.Cut two medium sized onions and fry until it browns a little bit.

b) Making of the burger sauce
1. In a small container put  mayonnaise, mustard, tomato sauce and chili sauce

2. Add the 1 remaining medium sized onion 
3. Mix together.

c) Making the burger
1. Cut the tomatoes in a round shape and also grate the cheese together

2. Cut the burger bun into two halves ..the upper bun should be slightly bigger than the lower burn.

3. Place some onion rings that we had fried on the lower burn,followed by cut tomatoes.
4. Place the burger meat.
5. Using a spoon pour the burger sauce followed with the grated cheese and then cover with the upper burger burn.
6. Serve hot with preferred accompaniment or drink.. i served with potato wedges.

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