This is one of my favorite pastries that I enjoy making.. You...can also try it at the comfort of your home.
This recipe gives out 12 cinnamon rolls.
We are splitting this recipe:
- For the dough
- For the filling.
- Divide and shape.
- Preparing the dough
3 cups of all-purpose flour
3/4 cup of warm milk
1/4 cup of melted butter/ blue band
2 1/2 tablespoon of sugar
1 1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of yeast (optional)
1 egg
1. In a large bowl, beat the egg thoroughly with a whisk or mixer.
2. Add the sugar, salt and yeast and mix thoroughly whisk or mixer.
3. Add the warm milk and melted butter and mix thoroughly with a whisk or a mixer.
4.Add the all-purpose flour, combine everything with a wooden spoon to form a shaggy messy dough.
5. Transfer the messy dough on to a clean surface.
6. Knead the dough until everything is combined and you will get a soft and smooth dough. It will not be sticky on your hands.
7. It is not necessary to add flour while kneading as everything will combine well.
8. If you are not satisfied and the dough is still sticky you can sprinkle some flour and knead it together with the sticky dough.
9. Cover up the dough with the large bowl that you were using for 5 mins.
In the mean time we can prepare the mixture for the filling.
2. Prepare the Filling
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder.
3 tablespoon of butter/blue band
1. Put the sugar in the bowl and whisk it a little bit.
2. Put the cinnamon powder.
3. Mix thoroughly.
This is the time to remember your dough.
3. Divide and shape
1. sprinkle some flour on a clean top surface
2. Uncover the dough and place it over the sprinkled surface with flour.
3. sprinkle some flour on top of the dough to avoid it from sticking on the rolling pin
4. Roll the dough into a rectangle and make it as thin as possible.
5. Apply the butter/blue band on the dough and make sure it is spread evenly.
6. Sprinkle the mixture of sugar and cinnamon that we had prepared.
7. Make sure the mixture of sugar and cinnamon is well distributed.. You can use your hands or a spatula.
8. Roll the dough into the shape of a cylinder.
9. Grease the baking tray with some vegetable oil to avoid the rolls from sticking onto the surface.
10.Divide the rolled dough into a cylinder in equal pieces.
11. Place the rolls on the baling tray and allow them to set for approximately 50- 60 mins.
12. Meanwhile you can preheat the oven at 180o c for 20 - 30 mins.
13. Bake in the oven for 30 mins.
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Quite clear procedure😊....have to try it out sometime😀